HMI Lights

HMI lights were used in large numbers in film shoot.HMI Lights are made of tungsten (Yellow).HMI lights is one of the most powerful lights used in films. HMI Lights were manufactured by Osram. Osram is a brand of metal Halide Gas Discharge Lamp. The word HMI is derived from a Latin word for the element mercury. HMI lights were produced specifically for films and entertainment shoot. The term HMI stands for Hydrargyrum Medium-Arc Iodide. UV Safety glass cover is provided in front of the light for protecting the person standing in front of the lights. At times HMI lights can be considered dangerous due to overheating. HMI Lights explodes violently if stressed more. HMI Lights is same as the color temperature of the sun.

CAUTION – Do not use HMI Lights at the end of its lifetime since it is known for exploding.





Kino Lights are the most common and popular lights used in films and commercials. Kino Lights are manufactured by Kino Flo.  Kino Flo is popular for its light equipments. Kino Flo is famous for its fluorescent lights. Kino Flo is situated at Burbank, California.  It is the most common lights used in television, feature films, commercials and motion pictures. Kino Flo produced Kino lights for the purpose of providing soft lighting on the subjects or the character. Kino Lights structure is exactly like a tube. Kino Lights come in various numbers of tubes. These tubes are called bangs. If a Kino light is called as 2 bangs, it means it contains two tubes of fluorescent tube arrangements. Similar applies with the 4 bang, 6 bang and 8 bang. As compared to HMI lights, Kino lights provide soft lighting rather than harsh lighting. HMI lights produce more amount of heat compare to Kino Lights. In the year 1987 during the film shoot of Barfly Kino Lights was used for the first time.





Baby Lights is mostly used in commercials shooting. Baby Lights are alternative to HMI Lights. Baby Lights is of Tungsten. Baby Lights have less intensity compared to HMI Lights. The common purpose of Baby Lights is for back lighting in a shoot but at the same time it can be used as key light or a top light as per the requirement.




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